Monday, 5 November 2018

Descriptive Writing

At the moment in class we have been working on descriptive writing. We have been using pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. Here is a peice if writing I did.

The Abandoned Cottage
As I walk through the  peaceful forest the sky suddenly turns grey. I feel rain thumping on my head. With panic I spin around looking for some shelter. Suddenly something catches my eye. I sprint towards it and arrive at an overgrown, stone  cottage. I stare with wonder. What happened here? Is anyone in there? I run my hand over its rough, stoney edges and look up at its moss covered roof. There is a huge pohutakawa tree growing out of the shattered roof.

Suddenly there is a clatter and a bang from inside the cottage. “Hello,” I say nervously “Is anyone there ?” Something draws me closer. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest. When I reach a hole in the front I peek my head through to see what's there. I see nothing and slowly go inside. The parauri (brown) roots of the pohutakawa tree are covering almost everything in the room. There is a fireplace in the corner furthest from the hole. Bits of rakau (wood) are everywhere. There is smell a slight smell of ash. It looked like this place hadn’t been abandoned very long.

The floor groans as I slowly back out. I look up at the beautiful whero (red) and kakariki (green) tree. I wish those surrounded the city. By now the rain has stopped but it’s really makariri (cold). Shivers run up my spine. I want to go but I know I will stumble across this place again someday.  

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